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Off-grid education and training resources

Numerous options are available if you’re interested in off-grid living, off-grid education, and training resources. Knowledge and skills necessary to live a self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyle may be acquired to get educated and trained for off-grid living:

Online Courses and Webinars:

Many organizations and experts offer online courses and webinars on homesteading, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and off-grid living. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and edX may have relevant courses.


Local Workshops and Classes:

Look for local workshops and classes in your area, including gardening, permaculture, wilderness survival, or construction skills. These might be offered by community colleges, agricultural extensions, or local homesteading groups.

Books and Publications:

There are numerous books and publications dedicated to off-grid living. Some classic titles include “The Encyclopedia of Country Living” by Carla Emery and “The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It” by John Seymour.

YouTube and Online Videos:

YouTube is a treasure trove of instructional videos on off-grid living topics. Many homesteaders and off-gridders share their experiences and knowledge through video content.

Off Grid Homesteading…..everything you need to know

Why I Live Off Grid: FREEDOM, No Mortgage, No Utilities

Homesteading Magazines:

Magazines like “Mother Earth News” and “Backwoods Home” offer a wealth of information on homesteading, self-sufficiency, and off-grid living.

Sustainable Living Expos and Fairs:

Attend sustainable living expos and fairs in your region. These events often feature workshops, demonstrations, and experts in various aspects of off-grid living.

Online Forums and Communities:

Join online forums and social media groups related to off-grid living. These platforms can be valuable for asking questions, sharing experiences, and Off-grid education and training resources.

Homesteading Schools and Retreats:

Consider enrolling in a homesteading school or attending a retreat that offers hands-on experience in various off-grid skills, such as gardening, animal husbandry, or alternative energy systems.

Off-Grid Conferences:

Participate in off-grid conferences or gatherings where experts and experienced off-gridders share their knowledge and experiences.

Local Experts and Mentors:

Seek out local individuals experienced in off-grid living and ask if you can learn from them. This can be an excellent way to gain practical knowledge.

Government and Nonprofit Resources:

Some government agencies and nonprofit organizations offer resources, workshops, and guides on sustainable living and off-grid practices. Check with local agricultural extensions and environmental organizations.

Online Homesteading Communities:

Join online communities and platforms like Permies.com or Homesteading Today, where you can ask questions, share your journey, and learn from experienced homesteaders.

Alternative Energy Training Programs:

If you’re interested in renewable energy, look for training programs and certifications in solar, wind, and hydroelectric systems. These can be essential for off-grid energy production.

Wilderness Survival Courses:

Consider taking wilderness survival courses to learn outdoor skills like shelter building, foraging, and water purification, which can be valuable for off-grid living.

The Boulder Outdoor Survival School (BOSS)

Southwest Survival

Northwest Survival School

Prepper and Survivalist Resources:

While not exclusively focused on off-grid education and training resources, prepper and survivalist resources often cover self-sufficiency, security, and resource management topics.

When pursuing off-grid education and training, tailor your choices to your interests and needs. Remember that hands-on experience is invaluable, so whenever possible, apply what you learn to your off-grid setup or engage in internships and apprenticeships with experienced off-gridders. Building a network of like-minded individuals and mentors can be one of the most valuable aspects of your off-grid education.





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